Monday, August 25, 2014

Nature Study Monday - VFW Park

Today we went to the VFW park which is one of my favorite parks around town.  It has all the things we need - lots of nature, bathrooms, shade tress, and tables and benches for sketching.  It is a very quiet and serene park although today the cicadas were very loud at times.

I just love these purple flowers.  I have seen them in several creek beds this summer.

I got my workout getting these two up and and down the ditch so we could walk along the creek.

When I caught up with the group Cooper was inside this pipe going for the other side.  Had we not had so many little ones, I would have let him keep going.

"but what about socialization???"

We forgot our sketch pads and Graham wanted to draw.  He found a feather and drew in the sand.

Good and dirty.

"We can't leave, we just found this!"

After our nature walk, we had lunch on our way to the pool.  I could not wait to get in the water!  Here in Texas it is starting to hit 100 degrees.  After we swam for two hours we went to get some ice cream.  All and all a great day!

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