Thursday, January 21, 2010

Hmm what to write about...

So, as those of you who follow this blog might have noticed, I have not kept up with the blog since Halloween.  Yes, that is right, Halloween.  Man does that seems like yesterday to anyone else?  We had a busy but very fun Holiday season starting with Halloween and ending with New Years.  I made the boy's costumes this year and I was so glad that I was able to produce what Cooper had requested because it was so gosh darn cute!  String Bean told me he wanted to be Copper and Butter Bean to be Todd from The Fox and the Hound.  Cutest Fox and hound ever right??? You be the judge:

After Halloween came Thanksgiving, which for me was not a lot of work since my mother and sister handled all of the cooking and cleaning.  All I had to do was show up with the grandchildren and make sure they did not get in the way of the aforementioned cooking and cleaning. 

Christmas was so much fun this year.  Robert and I got most of our shopping done early so there was no shopping stress for us.  However, I did make three gallons of carmel corn for the nice ladies that watch the kids on Wednesdays so that I can go to Ladies Bible Class and act like an adult for two hours.  Except that I forgot said candy corn at home and did not have enough time to turn around and get it.  So sadly, we had to eat it all ourselves.  I know, tragic is it not?  Don't worry I made the nice church ladies some New Year's candy corn and almost walked out the door without it again had String Bean not wondered where his backpack was a mile from home.
The week of Christmas was fun as well.  We spent a couple days at Granny and PawPaw's and got to watch PawPaw cut down tree limbs in a cherry picker.  I had two very happy little boys who were happy to sit and watch Pawpaw fell limbs.  We then headed back home to Katy to get ready for Santa.  We had a great Christmas morning with the boys with lots of presents and hot chocolate and pancakes.

I then starting to pack up the food I was taking to my mom's and we headed out for lunch with parents.  After lunch with my parents we went to see Rob's parents and catch up with all the cousins.  To say we were tired that night when we got home is an understatment but I had leftover chocolate peppermint cake to look forward to.

I tried a several new dishes this year.  I made a cauliflower gratin and rosemary acron squash for sides for lunch.  My parents hated it and I will probably not be allowed to cook again but my sister (THE CHEF) seemed to enjoy it.  Now I would love to tell you about that chocolate peppermint cake but it is a sad and not pretty story.  Sad because the cake layers slid all around and it was a hot mess by the time I got it to my mom's.  Not pretty because I ended up having to invert it into a bowl from the cake plate to make a trifle out it.  But man was it tasty, at least I think so.  My parents probably hated that too!  I am guessing I will get to bring the cranberry sauce next year.

So here we are mid-January and it was 76 degrees today.  I am hopiong we have some more cooler weather because I am not ready for summer yet!


nopinkhere said...

Sorry that your culinary efforts were not appreciated! I did Christmas dinner this year and made turnip gratin. Thankfully, I think most of the stuff was enjoyed. There were not many leftovers except for the ham and the potato casserole that turned out way too rich to eat much of. Glad you guys had a fun holiday season!

Daddy said...

I think I'm being unfairly represented as hating your food here. I actually ate the cauliflower, which is a vegetable I think ought to be fed to terrorists. I liked the cake also even if it did keep moving away from my fork. :)