Wednesday, February 25, 2009

No More Spilt Milk

Butter Bean and I had a very medical week last week. In four days, we saw three different doctors about his seemingly everlasting cough and ear infection. First up was the chiropractor because there are numerous studies that have shown that if the head/neck are out of alignment then that can cause the fluid to build up which creates the safe haven for the evil bacteria to grow. So I went in to see this chiro and all I came out with were supplements and some advice on diet. While I do believe in supplements aiding in overall health I did not feel that this was the answer to fluid building up in my little ones ears.

So on Thursday I moved on to traditional medicine. I have to admit I was dreading this appointment and I was not disappointed when I got there. After describing the problems Butter Bean has had and confirming the ear infection in his ear I got my prescription for amoxicillin and a very rude, false and insulting lecture on vaccines. I could go on and on about it but I have put it behind me and don't want to pick that scab. I will just say that I have VALID reason for delaying my children's vaccinations and she was not interested in hearing them. At one point she told me my baby could die from menengitis, which is a valid claim but the warning about side effects on the box the vaccine comes in says the same thing.

Finally on Friday, I found Dr. Meyer. She is a doctor of Naturorpathy and a clinical nutritionist. She spent two hours going over Butter Bean and I's medical, physical and emotional history. She made an immediate recommendation that I give up all forms of dairy and I am being tested for other food sensitivities that could be causing Butter Bean's fluid build up or post nasal drip.

I am very excited to see if by changing our diet alone that we can avoid anymore antibiotics and surgery (ear tubes). I am ready to go that route if this does not work but I guess it makes more sense to me to find the root of the problem and try and work on that first. Husband and I both have a horrible track record with our ears and we just don't want that for our child. I know our parents did not want it for us either but there is so much more information available today, I just feel that I have to try this first.

Also, I am really curious to find out what food sensitvites I have. If you now me, I have struggled with my weight my entire life. I have hated myself for never being able to lose the weight and it constant reminder of a failure in my life. Also I am starting to have some other issues that I hope clear up once I know what is not good for me to eat!


Navy Chief Family said...

Good luck with the ear issue. Patrick has had problems since he was 8 months old. Problems with dairy as well. Try soy milk for him if you supplement. that worked okay for patrick. I had done the no dairy route with him even now and it just doesn't work. After switching his allergy meds and the new one work he's now sick again. I just have no other choice. Hope you get more answers. That is the good thing about civillian life, you can choose your own doc. We are at the mercy of what the navy gives us.

2012 Events said...

Let me know how the dairy works?I was never told about the dairy! My oldest daughter had two sets of ear tubes one set at about 18months and the other at about 5 (this was so painful too see -the older they get) and last at 7 years old they took out her adenoids. I asked for them to take out the tonsils too, but her doctor said they couldn’t do this because of lawsuits being filed blaming doctors for removing tonsils with no medical reason.. I have fought with my daughters ears all her life. Her ears were so bad she would wake-up with fluid pouring out of her ears..It was truly sad =( I hope your baby gets better soon!