I cut my boys hair for the first time this weekend. Robert even let me do his too. We were so tired of paying 10 bucks to get C hair cut and M is starting to get the baby mullet so something had to be done. The last time we got C hair cut, I sat and watched the girl do it and thought, hey I can do that!
So the results were varied, C would not sit still so he has some spots that are not even but all in all I can't tell the difference in what I did and what they charge ten bucks for.
It took me nearly an hour to cut Husband's hair. I actually had to use scissors on his hair and it is very clear to me that I need better (sharper) scissors to get a good cut. He says he is happy with it but I am assuming that was because I was still holding a sharp object. I messed up around one of ears and hopefully the hair will grow back!
M no longer has his baby mullet and it really hurt to cut his fine little baby hair off. C did not have to have a haircut until after his second birthday so having to cut M hair at 10 months is something new. I saved a little of his hair just like I did C's. I don't what to do with it but I thought it important to keep.
I think you did a great job!!
Great Job! The hair is meant to be put in a baby book or scrapbook...hint hint...jk
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