Januaryish - Oil prices drop and Rob gets laid off along with half of Houston, flooding the job market and upsetting our perfect little surburban life we had made for ourselves in Katy, Texas.
Febuaryish - Rob interviews with a company in Greenville, Texas that appears to be a dream come true. Well, if your dream is to move out of the suburbs and own land and grow things. This is exactly what Rob and I have always wanted but due to the high cost of real estate in the Houston area was never going to happen for us. By the way, he got the job and we got two weeks to get our butts up to Greenville.
March - We got out house ready to be put on Market (paint, patch holes, new carpet), sold house and moved to Greenville all in two weeks. My head still spins when I think about it. Luckily, Rob's Mom and my parents helped out a ton and we got it all packed and moved.
April - Why do all the homes on land cost sooooooo much money and they all have broken slabs!!!!!!!!
May - We buy land!!!! Four acres of Texas to call our own.
June - Hey let's build!
July - start getting on the wait lists to get utilities installed. Due to the heavy rains in Texas this year all the contractors were backed up 6 weeks. Maybe building isn't the way to go...
August - the patience of Job is brought up a lot.
September - Our house is delivered and set up and we only had to go one week without air conditioning. Moving people come and up deliver way to many boxes that had me hiding in the corner about to have a panic attack until Robert coaxed me out with a game plan.
October - starting to feel like home around here. It would be even better if it would stop raining!
November - Oh my the stars at night. I can see the milky way!
December - Christmas in our new home somehow was the real turning point for this new place feeling like home.
Somewhere along the way (I think it was May) we placed membership at the local church and started the slow process of getting to know new people. In the fall we joined a really neat homeschool co-op where the boys got to make some new friends and I got to see some other homeschool mamas. Somehow in there we homeschooled and explored the area. Many a day were spent at the duck pond to avoid going crazy in our small dark apartment.
So we are back to January and a new year. We are back to school and co-op will be starting soon. The big boys are playing basketball. Life is moving on and we are happy where we have landed. I can't think about how much we miss our friends and family or I will get all leaky around the eyes but I hope you all know that we are blessed to have ended up here and I just wish I could bring you all along with us. This is my happily ever after.
That was beautiful to read.
How blessed you are. You went through all that with faith and such a positive attitude, as the optimist you are.
Oh, how we love to have some land! But we live here still, and that's fine with me. And we can always visit you now you are settled, right?
I would love to have y'all up here! Yes, we are so very blessed to have ended up how we did. The only thing that kept me going through the dark ages of the dank apartment was knowing that God doesn't expect me to be happy only when I'm comfortable. I still had a home and my boys were sleeping warm at night.
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