Thursday, September 12, 2013

Three Weeks In

We are in our third week of school around here and so far this is the best year yet!  I have loved having Marshall start Kindergarten with us, even if he took a little persuading to actually sit down and do some work.  I think I have worked out most of the kinks of our day.  Chores are being done, books are being read, and math work is progressing.  All in all I am very happy with how things are going so far this year.  The biggest improvement this year is the cooperation of these two guys:

 For the last two years these guys have been pretty demanding and now all of sudden they will play for an hour by themselves with minimal input from me!  This means more uninterrupted school time which we are all loving. 

I am starting Tea Time Tuesday with the boys.  The boys actually love it and take special care to pour the milk and tea and love setting up the table.  I let them use real tea cups and if they can go a month without breaking any I will let them have a saucer.  Now, if I can just get Cooper to wear a shirt at the table but then again this is a manly tea time.

We had an awesome day today.  We got started right after chores and finished in time to go to our areas christian homeschooling group's kick-off at the park.  The boys all played and I got to meet some new mom and chat about curriculum, programs around Houston and how to keep it all balanced.  The boys got so dirty and sweaty but I loved seeing them run around playing games like tag and stick swords. 

And I really do mean dirty. Like, we have been throwing mulch at each other and a wet wipe is a joke at this point, dirty.

I had to go grocery shopping after the park and just for a minute I entertained the thought of letting them go barefoot so we could really represent what some people feel like homeschoolers look like.  Well the joke was on me because I had to actually walk barefoot for a time because my shoe was rubbing a blister and I could not take another step with it on.  I actually left one shoe on so I did not look like a complete hillbilly. 

After grocery shopping we came home and put up groceries and everybody went down for some quiet time.  Once we got up we finished school by doing our readings for the day.  Marshall kept calling King Harold King Harriet which was frustrating Cooper who was learning about the Battle of Hastings in 1066.  Cooper was so sad to learn that good King Harold was killed and he was the last English King.  We love history around here but it is a hard lesson to learn that good men don't always win but it is so important to stay good until the end. 

We ended our day with some water slide play.  We even found a gecko and I am counting that as science for the day!   

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