My dear husband has suddenly discovered a hidden wood working talent! For several years I have wanted to do a garden but our soil and size of our yard had prohibited it. Not anymore! Husband built me two, count them two boxes for vegetables and herbs. He then went and built String Bean a balance beam because he was trying to use the sides of the vegetable boxes for that purpose and I was afraid he would fall into my new baby plants. He also heaved all the dirt into the boxes so that I could come along in my new cute gardening gloves and plant my plant babies. I am one spoiled girl!
The boys had a great time watching daddy use his saw and drill and loved digging in the dirt. Little Butter bean caught on very quickly that he plants were supposed to go in the ground and we had to keep an eye on him or he would have planted tomatoes in the sand box.
I look forward to tending the plants and teaching the boys were our food comes from. Hey, maybe they might eat some of the vegetables once we get them growing. A mom can dream right??
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