Butter Bean and I had a very medical week last week. In four days, we saw three different doctors about his seemingly everlasting cough and ear infection. First up was the chiropractor because there are numerous studies that have shown that if the head/neck are out of alignment then that can cause the fluid to build up which creates the safe haven for the evil bacteria to grow. So I went in to see this chiro and all I came out with were supplements and some advice on diet. While I do believe in supplements aiding in overall health I did not feel that this was the answer to fluid building up in my little ones ears.
So on Thursday I moved on to traditional medicine. I have to admit I was dreading this appointment and I was not disappointed when I got there. After describing the problems Butter Bean has had and confirming the ear infection in his ear I got my prescription for amoxicillin and a very rude, false and insulting lecture on vaccines. I could go on and on about it but I have put it behind me and don't want to pick that scab. I will just say that I have VALID reason for delaying my children's vaccinations and she was not interested in hearing them. At one point she told me my baby could die from menengitis, which is a valid claim but the warning about side effects on the box the vaccine comes in says the same thing.
Finally on Friday, I found Dr. Meyer. She is a doctor of Naturorpathy and a clinical nutritionist. She spent two hours going over Butter Bean and I's medical, physical and emotional history. She made an immediate recommendation that I give up all forms of dairy and I am being tested for other food sensitivities that could be causing Butter Bean's fluid build up or post nasal drip.
I am very excited to see if by changing our diet alone that we can avoid anymore antibiotics and surgery (ear tubes). I am ready to go that route if this does not work but I guess it makes more sense to me to find the root of the problem and try and work on that first. Husband and I both have a horrible track record with our ears and we just don't want that for our child. I know our parents did not want it for us either but there is so much more information available today, I just feel that I have to try this first.
Also, I am really curious to find out what food sensitvites I have. If you now me, I have struggled with my weight my entire life. I have hated myself for never being able to lose the weight and it constant reminder of a failure in my life. Also I am starting to have some other issues that I hope clear up once I know what is not good for me to eat!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Valentines and fuit trees
Not a classic combination but nevertheless that is what I got on Valentines Day from my parents. It was a housewarming present for our new home. Of course, my dad joked that he was just making an investment and wanted fresh oranges next year. We got a Rebublic of Texas Orange tree (I would have picked it alone for its name), which is an heirloom breed dating back to 1842. We also got a Mexicola Avacodo and a blue berry bush. It truly is a gift that will keep on giving. Oh that is if I can keep them alive. If you read anything about fruit trees it makes them sound very fragile and a pain to try and grow. Oh well, we will give it our all to keep them alive.
I also got a lovely arrangement of flowers from my darling husband. He had them delivered on Friday. We then went out to dinner with the kids.
We had a great time on Saturday visiting with my folks and sister out in the country. Rebecca made gyros (from scratch!) and I made a chocolate cake (also from scratch). String and Butter Bean got to play with Granny and Pawpaw and String Bean even got to ride on the riding lawnmower with Granny. There was no fish feeding this time around and no one fell in the pond!
I am busy planning birthday parties for the boys. Also, I am trying to get my new playgroup to meet up more.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Heart shaped love
I love making things with cookie cutters. I remember I used to make String Bean toast and cut it out into various shapes and would wait patiently to see if he would acknowledge the new breakfast fun. This morning I made heart shaped french toast for him and Butter Bean. String Bean thought it was neat but I think that was because of the strawberry jelly.
I made cupcakes and homemade Valentines last night while watching Lost and Top Chef. String Bean wanted to eat cupcakes for breakfast but he gave pretty quickly when I told him he gets to eat them at school today.
I really do hate the commercial side of most holidays but I enjoy the marking of an occasion with tokens of love or appreciation. Although, seeing these tents go up in the grocery store parking lots so that people can drive through and "take care" of there obligatory offering of flowers leaves me cold. I mean don't get me wrong, I LOVE getting flowers, but I am also at a point in my life where I would rather be given an heirloom rose bush to plant than a dozen roses that are one day away from rotting in the vase. So, this year I made stuff from scratch and put a little more effort into my tokens of affection. I know I sound like I am on my soapbox but I am just preaching to myself and no one else. Plus in this economy the poor florists are probably sweating to see if they make enough money. So go out and buy those "tent" flowers and support a florist so they can make it to Mother's Day. Meanwhile, I will keep Hobby Lobby in business for a while longer.
I made cupcakes and homemade Valentines last night while watching Lost and Top Chef. String Bean wanted to eat cupcakes for breakfast but he gave pretty quickly when I told him he gets to eat them at school today.
I really do hate the commercial side of most holidays but I enjoy the marking of an occasion with tokens of love or appreciation. Although, seeing these tents go up in the grocery store parking lots so that people can drive through and "take care" of there obligatory offering of flowers leaves me cold. I mean don't get me wrong, I LOVE getting flowers, but I am also at a point in my life where I would rather be given an heirloom rose bush to plant than a dozen roses that are one day away from rotting in the vase. So, this year I made stuff from scratch and put a little more effort into my tokens of affection. I know I sound like I am on my soapbox but I am just preaching to myself and no one else. Plus in this economy the poor florists are probably sweating to see if they make enough money. So go out and buy those "tent" flowers and support a florist so they can make it to Mother's Day. Meanwhile, I will keep Hobby Lobby in business for a while longer.
Monday, February 9, 2009

I cut my boys hair for the first time this weekend. Robert even let me do his too. We were so tired of paying 10 bucks to get C hair cut and M is starting to get the baby mullet so something had to be done. The last time we got C hair cut, I sat and watched the girl do it and thought, hey I can do that!
So the results were varied, C would not sit still so he has some spots that are not even but all in all I can't tell the difference in what I did and what they charge ten bucks for.
It took me nearly an hour to cut Husband's hair. I actually had to use scissors on his hair and it is very clear to me that I need better (sharper) scissors to get a good cut. He says he is happy with it but I am assuming that was because I was still holding a sharp object. I messed up around one of ears and hopefully the hair will grow back!
M no longer has his baby mullet and it really hurt to cut his fine little baby hair off. C did not have to have a haircut until after his second birthday so having to cut M hair at 10 months is something new. I saved a little of his hair just like I did C's. I don't what to do with it but I thought it important to keep.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
All Better!
M is finally kicking this awful cold he has had. I almost forgot how happy and playful he is until he woke up this morning all bright eyed and bushy tailed. I had to make a special trip out to herb store in Conroe just to get the homeopathic and herbs I needed to finally get the gunk out of his system. Oh and a lot of praying too!
I went and kidnapped Aunt Becky so she could wrangle C while I spoke with the lady at the store and then we went to Chick-Fila so C could play. I must say that I really love Chick-Fila. They have these attendants that come over and refill your dirnk and bring things you forgot and put place mats down for the kids. It was so nice to have a little customer service at a fast food place. Plus, as far as food, they are the least likely to make me feel guilty for eating out. The food resembles real food and they have a great fruit cup that is not just soggy melon balls!
We then took Aunt Becky back home so she could enjoy the rest of her day off and went to see great Granny. She was very happy to see us but told me to call next time so she can "clean her house." C wanted to feed the catfish so we got some fish food and headed out to the pond. Aunt Becky was helping C throw the food in the pond and we kept telling him to not throw so hard or he throw himself in. And then he did. He went about waist deep in cold murky pond water with catfish swimming all around. Of course, mommy plucked him out of the water, Becky wrapped him up in her sweater and we headed to house. C was having the time of his little life and he now has a new story to tell. M was excited to see Great Granny and spent most of the time trying to eat her glasses as usual.
We then packed the car up and picked a fresh cabbage that I will make into cole slaw tomorrow.
So we ended up with some natural remedies, a war (or should I say pond) story, and a fresh head of cabbage. Not bad for Monday, not bad at all.
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