Friday, January 16, 2009

Let's hear it for this guy

Chesley B. Sullenburger is the pilot who landed that plane yesterday in the Hudson River. What a miracle that everyone walked (or floated) off that plane alive yesterday. Evidently he chose to land in the river instead of trying for another airport and performed a perfect water landing. Oh and come to find out he has a glider flying licence. Praise be to God that he was the pilot yesterday!

Plus I just love to see the best of us when things like this happen. I mean New Yorkers get a bad wrap but the news report said within minutes ferry and dock workers were there plucking people out of the frigid waters. The pilot even gave his shirt to a frozen water soaked passenger. Also the gratefulness of the passengers to the pilots and flight attendants was great to see. No complaining just gratefulness.

So here's to being nice and warm on dry land today.

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