Friday, October 10, 2008

It finally happened

I have always been told by other parents that my toddler would one day do something to the baby when I was not looking. So, I should have been more prepared when C bit M on the eyebrow this afternoon. I was devastated that my beloved firstborn would harm my precious baby! Talk about conflicting emotions. C has been great with M since he was born and I figured that if he had not lashed out yet we might have been in the clear. I heard M start screaming and asked C what happened and he told me "I bit M." Just like that, I bit M. Needless to say we had a timeout and then a lecture on hurting people. After his nap I showed him the red marks on M face and C proceeds to kiss it to make it better. I say, the nerve of the boy!

We just spent a great few days with Meemaw and PawPaw. Two new baby cows were born and C got to see one of them. We also spent quite a bit of time throwing rocks in the pond.

M has decided he wants to be mobile. The kid lays around for two months (he could roll, he just choose not to) and now he is about to crawl. Babies are full of surprises for sure! He has also found that he gets a big reaction when he screeches. He is such a cutie pit for sure. I am still trying to figure out how to make his Halloween costume. I am pretty sure C will be Bob the Builder but I will see if I can talk him into something less commercial!

The house has still not sold and it is looking pretty bleak that we will have a new home by Christmas. Anybody want to move to Austin?

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