Monday, October 27, 2008

Mr. Pumpkin Head

We had a great weekend! We got to visit with Pawpaw and Aunt Becky. On top of that C got to go the Halloween Carnival. They had lots of typical carnival activities and C took part of all them including getting his face painted, the ring toss, and a newer tradition, the bounce house. I asked C if he had fun in the bounce house obstacle course and he said "Yeah, a girl pushed my bumbum." You see he could not quite make it up the hill because of his socks and the little girl behind him took it upon herself to get him over the hump. In typical toddler fashion he kept repeating that phrase all night long.

Granny saved the day by finding the perfect cow costume. He loves to moo so it was appropriate and he was the cutest little cow ever to be seen! Little M fell asleep right before it was time to leave so I left him with the grandparents and got to spend some one on one time with C.

Speaking of little M, he is not so little anymore! I just moved him up a size in clothes. He is getting better at this eating food thing and last night I began the horrible process of night weaning him. It was not that bad but when I would pick him he would grab my face and give me kisses and try and latch on to my cheeks. It was pitiful and I hate to hear him cry but he finally realized I was not giving in and let me rock him to sleep. Hopefully tonight will be better and he will get the message that the all night diner is closed for business from now on.
Good luck to Granny on her big interview tonight!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A small gift

My babies gave me a small gift today by sleeping in. They got up an hour later than usual. It was a good birthday present. Oh yeah, I turn 30 today. I am by no means freaked out by turning 30 like some women are but it is the beginning of a new decade. I am very happy with what I have accomplished even though others might think it is a small thing. I never imagined my life at 30 when I was younger. I have never heard a calling to be anything like a lawyer or doctor but I always knew I wanted to stay at home when I had children. I spend every day playing and learning with my two boys. To be honest it is not all glamorous (I really could do without latrine duty) and the ever present fight to not feed C PB&J's for three meals straight! But this is what I choose to do. Anyway, I am rambling but hey it's my birthday and I can ramble or wax poetically about motherhood right?

So 30 comes and all I need is a mommy makeover. Life is good and beautiful (well soon to be after my makeover this weekend.)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Zapatos Fantasticos

C has had his little world rocked with the addition of the "light up sneakers" to his wardrobe. He put them on first thing this morning and has been banging around the house all morning making them light up. They really are cute and even have a bulldozer on the side. I guess this is the equivalent of getting your little girl a really cute dress but since I have two boys cute shoes are all I have to look forward to until God gives me a girl or I get granddaughters 20 years from now.

I hurt my back throwing dog food at rooster yesterday. Yes you did read that right. My grandmother has a new unruly rooster that will charge you. I know most of you are laughing at the thought of being attacked by poultry but rooster have about a three inch sharp talon on the back of foot that will hurt you and well, I don't like to hurt. So anyway, I was taking my grandmother the canned dog food we picked up for her when her rooster decided to charge me. Well, I heaved the little pallet of dog food cans at him and got him to stop long enough for me to find a big stick in which to wallop his feather butt should he try again. So, I have an aching back today but no talon marks. If the rooster can't learn to behave I believe I will reappropriate him from pet to Sunday dinner.

Friday, October 10, 2008

It finally happened

I have always been told by other parents that my toddler would one day do something to the baby when I was not looking. So, I should have been more prepared when C bit M on the eyebrow this afternoon. I was devastated that my beloved firstborn would harm my precious baby! Talk about conflicting emotions. C has been great with M since he was born and I figured that if he had not lashed out yet we might have been in the clear. I heard M start screaming and asked C what happened and he told me "I bit M." Just like that, I bit M. Needless to say we had a timeout and then a lecture on hurting people. After his nap I showed him the red marks on M face and C proceeds to kiss it to make it better. I say, the nerve of the boy!

We just spent a great few days with Meemaw and PawPaw. Two new baby cows were born and C got to see one of them. We also spent quite a bit of time throwing rocks in the pond.

M has decided he wants to be mobile. The kid lays around for two months (he could roll, he just choose not to) and now he is about to crawl. Babies are full of surprises for sure! He has also found that he gets a big reaction when he screeches. He is such a cutie pit for sure. I am still trying to figure out how to make his Halloween costume. I am pretty sure C will be Bob the Builder but I will see if I can talk him into something less commercial!

The house has still not sold and it is looking pretty bleak that we will have a new home by Christmas. Anybody want to move to Austin?