Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Dear diary...

Hello and welcome to Brown and Blue! Let's see if you can guess what or whom the title of the blog refers to!

I hope to keep this blog updated with the thoughts and musings of my day to day life, a modern day journal. One of my nieces asked me recently "What do you do all day?" Well I thought maybe I should start keeping track. That leads me to introductions, I am Sarah, a stay at home mom or as what used to be called housewife. I prefer domestic goddess, it just has a better ring to it. My husband and I have two wonderful boys, C is 2.5 and M is 5 months old. I don't want to use full names for privacy's sake so I will refer to my children as C and M. and my husband as, well, husband. We are in the middle of relocation to the Houston area from Austin and staying with my mother. We are waiting for our house to sell in Austin so we can get going on finding our new home.

Keep checking in for updates, I gotta run, we are going to Costco today!

1 comment:

kramerica said...

I agree- "domestic goddess"! Miss you and I'm excited to be able to keep up w/ ya'll through your blog!